Teatro dei Rinnovati’s Foyer

eatro dei Rinnovati, Foyer

The Hall

Stage your wedding with a civil ceremony inside the beautiful and evocative setting of the Teatro dei Rinnovati. Its foyer is a real gem and is located inside the Palazzo Comunale, in Piazza del Campo.

It was 1560 and Siena received a visit from Grand Duke Cosimo I dei Medici. To best welcome the illustrious guest, a radical decision was made. It was decided to transform what had been the hall of the Major Council of the Sienese Republic, built in 1343, into a performance venue.

Thus was born what is now the Teatro dei Rinnovati, by Bartolomeo Neroni known as il Riccio.

This elegant and perfect structure, which had functioned magnificently for over 70 years, was hit by a sudden fire on 7 September 1742. Due to problems with finding the funds, which took a long time, the theatre was not immediately rebuilt. After repeated entreaties in 1744, the Regency Council allowed the temporary restoration of the roof. In 1747, at a meeting, the Archintendent Rutilio Sansedoni presented a project by Saverio Posi for the Teatro Argentina in Rome, intending that it should be adopted for the theatre in Siena, and so it was; the new plan was horseshoe-shaped with four tiers of boxes, each with 21 boxes minus the first, which had 20. It was later revised by Agostino Fantastici, an absolute protagonist of the romantic taste in Siena, in 1832. It can accommodate over 600 seats distributed between the stalls and 88 boxes.



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